Savoir and Connaitre are verbs that means to know

You use savoir to indicate that you know a fact or that you know something by heart
You use savoir and infinitive to indicate that you know how to do something.
Connatire means 'to know' in the sense of 'to be acquainted with. You can use connatire only with nouns people, places, and things.

The pronouns me, te nous, vous are object pronouns.

il me parle
il ne me parle pas
il veut me parler
il ne veut pas me parler

Qui, elle m'invite au theatre
Oui, il nous regarde
Oui, il nous explique la lecon

Le prof vous regarde?
il vous exlipue ls lecon?

Marie t'invite au theatre
Elle te parle au telephone?

The object pronoun me, te, vous, and nous always comes right before the verb its linked to.

Je me lève à sept heures et demie.
Après je prends une douche.
Ensuite je m'habille et je mange le petit déjeuner.
Ensuite je me brosser les dents et faire mes cheveux.
Ensuite mon frère m'a conduit à l'école.

Après Routine Scolaire

Première je fais nourriture.
ensuit je joue sur mon ordinateur
ensuite je vais et joue au football
je regarde youtube 


The best way to use French accents online is the computer alt codes. I like using this method of using French accents because it works on any program on your computer and not just Word. I suggest printing off a page with all the accents and keeping it beside your computer. Other good ways to use accents are to use the Microsoft Word codes and to do your work on an IPod or IPhone.

French accent pronunciation

  • short A [æ], as in fat, is pronounced "ah" as in father
  • long A [eI] followed by a consonant, as in gate, is usually pronounced like the short e in get
  • ER at the end of a word, as in water, is always pronounced air
  • short I [I], as in sip, is always pronounced "ee" as in seep
  • long I [aI], as in kite, tends to be elongated and almost turned into two syllables: [ka it]
  • short O [ɑ], as in cot, is pronounced either "uh" as in cut, or "oh" as in coat
  • U [ʊ] in words like full is usually pronounced "oo" as in fool

Here is a really good youtube video that explains it really well

11French accent codes
 à 133    À 0192
â 131 Â 0194
ä 132 Ä 142
 æ 145 Æ 146
ç 135 Ç 128
é 130 É 144
è 138 È 0200
 ê 136 Ê 0202
137 Ë 0203
 î 140 Î 0206
 ï 139 Ï 0207
ô 147 Ô 0212
œ 0156 Œ 0140
ù 151 Ù 0217
û 150 Û 0219
ü 129 Ü 154

2Mac Option Codes for Vowels ACCENT SAMPLE TEMPLATE
Acute á Á Option+E,
Circumflex â Â Option+I,
Grave à À Option+`,
Umlaut ë Ë Option+U, V

Consonant/Punctuation Sym Mac Option Code
 ç Option+C
 Ç Shift+Option+C
 « Option+\
 » Shift+Option+\

3One way to use french accents is to using the character map. You hit the start button then go to programs then accessories then under system tools it has a list of accents and symbols.